Sabtu, 10 Juni 2017

Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris, mencari noun, adjevtive, dan Verbs dalam tugas 3

Experience = Pengalaman
Tax = Perpajakan
Expenses = Biaya
Company = Perusahaan
Bonus = Tambahan

Great = Hebat
Good = Baik
Closer = Lebih dekat
Efficient = Efisien
Effective = Efektif

Reduce = Mengurangi
Work = Bekerja
Try = Mencoba
Attend = Menyertai
Come = Datang

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris

My Senior Teacher was Fired
When i was  in Senior High Scool, i had an senior teacher named Mr. Zainal. He taught physics in my school. But he was not the permanent teacher, he was a honor teacher from salemba group. He was the good and patience person,  we can understand his lesson easily. Because he always taught us heartly. He always gave us the easy formula in his lessons. He did not like the other science teachers. The other science teachers often angry easily to us when they taught us.

Once a day when he taught in my class, my other science teacher named mr.BT got in my class for supervising him. Mr.BT saw the easy formula, after that mr.BT was angry to Him because mr.BT thought that the formula was absolutely false. Mr. Zainal and Mr.BT begun to debate. The mr. Zainal formula was right, but mr. BT was egoist. Mr.BT called the academic division of the school to report him. Then, mr. Zainal got out from our class and he said that he loved us. All of my friend in my class was crying because we lost the good teacher like him.

Tugas 3, job interview

Dinnov Al Kostar 23214185
Yulian Widiatmoko 2C214547

Y  : Would you mind telling me a little about yourself, Mr. Dinnov?
D : Well, I live in Kalisari, East Jakarta. I’m 27 years old. I’m a specialist in accounting and taxation.
Y : Which university did you attend?
D : I graduated from Universitas Gunadarma.
Y : Have you ever worked before?
D : Yes, I worked in PT. Amerta Indah as a tax accountant, I usually do the tax planning to reduce the tax expenses.
Y : I’d like to know, how long have you worked on your previous company?
D : I worked there for 3 years.
Y : Why do you want to work here?
D : I want to work here because I want to try the different sector, and then this company is closer to my house.
Y : Well, what is your greatest strength ?
D : I’m good at handling people. When they have problems, they usually come to me for advice.
Y : Do you have any achievement ?
D : Yes, PT. Amerta Indah released the good annual report last year, the tax expenses in income statements is decreased, but my team didn’t do the tax evation. Then, my director give me a big bonus.
Y : That’s Great. What is your future goal for this company?
D : With my experience and knowledge, I would try to reduce the company tax expenses, I would make this company efficient.
Y : So, How much salary do you expect for this position?
D : I want 8 million rupiah.
Y : Do you have any question for us ?
D : I’d like to know, when can I get the results ?
Y : We will announce the results on our website next month. Anything else ?
D : No, thank you.
Y : You’re welcome.